Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Last Semester of school

Go back after a long break is always hard!! My first patient had a health history that took me 45 mins to do I looked up like 12 drugs I was at like a page and a half by the time I got it done. What a welcome back to school. haha not. I was struggling hard core for some reason I could not think of to write in the chart I dont know what my problem was. then I was time for xrays and everyone I took I would think please turn out I dont want to do a retake. and luckly they all worked horray one thing that was going good today.  The second patient of the day was a class two I had screened her last semester hoping to use her for mock boards but her calculus was not heavy enough then. but once I got started yesterday I got thinking holy cow this is probably the most calculus I have seen so far there was not a tond thta was supra but sub I was blown away with all of it it just keep comming and coming out awesome!!!! it was actually really fun I missed a few spots which stinks but I really learned alot for this patient. it was a good learning experience all day I guess you could say. Hanson drilled me on the v of my hand and how I need to use it more I always want to use the modified pen graps and it is hard sometimes to get the right angle so next week I am going to try and use it more often rather that stuggling in areas with the modified pen grasp. I also learned to use the sickel and go in after I am done and do a pop motion on the premolars under the contacts to get that last little big. what a good tip.

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