Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mockboard #1

As the day started I was nervous not because I was worried about my patient coming cause they called two times the day before so I knew they would come,  but for the fact that I am still needing help with instrumentation and I may just fail and today would tell me where I really need to improve on. You would think that would not make me nervous knowing where improvement was needed but it did. I was student examiner first and i didnt know how to chart the calculus and was way confused but I figured it out after we were done and then when I got to feel to see if she missed spots i was way off and found different spots than her they said that was normal cause students think anything is calculus but it may just be the cej. well the afternoon came and my patient was a half our early bless hearts but at least I knew they were their. I got through the paper work and got my xrays and still had time. horray! I nerves calmed down and I made it through the cleaning and got my results and I passed with 81 % I missed the distals of the molars in the quad so know I know next week that is my focus. I am glad we have theses practice tests to help prepare for the real thing.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Childrens Health connection day 2

The day was busy from the start with more kids and less volunteers. children ranging from 2-18 years old it was truly an amazing even and feel so pleased to have taken part of it. knowing that you are dong these children such a favor at have never seen a dentist before. by just giving the opportunity to get comfortable with the dental environment and know that its not scary is do a service to them. I got to do dental hygiene the last half of the day and I only seen 2 kids. but the one really needed sealents and the dentist tried and she just would not let im but after I got done cleaning her teeth we tried for about 30 mins to get her to let up put  theses sealents on her teeth I showed her how it worked and demo on her finger but finally we got one done and then she needed a brake and got one more and then a break but at least she was letting me do them and I didnt care how it took us to get them on we were going to do it cause I knew how much it was going to help her later from getting cavities. so I felt really good that I got all four sealents on and it took forever but we did it and hopefully she wont get a cavity their at least.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Cildrens health connection

WOW it was a long day I was assigned to help in the waiting room and do my research project while the kids waited for treatment. the first of the day was slow but mostly little little kids so no one to really do the research on but I did let the younger children play with the IPADS and one thing we noticed was how quick kids now days can pick up on technology most of the children had never seen a Ipad let alone played with one but its amazing that a four year old can figure it out they may not know the learning behind the game and what it is teaching but they know how to play the game and win. this goes to show us that teaching with a virtual reality gaming system can be beneficial in teaching important concepts.