Monday, November 28, 2011


Today we had the Colgate Rep come talk to us, I remember her from last year and all she talked about was Triclcsan and how wonderful of an ingredient it is and they are the only ones that have it in their products. I have always been a Colgate buyer but I really did not know why I just liked the taste. Today she talked about a new product well kinda new  it called sensitive pro relief it was Colgate advantage but they changed the name for a marketing purpose so try and sell more and make consumers buy it cause it look different. I did learn that you have two ways to treat hypersensitivity one to occlude the tubules and that is in office but only lasts a short time so that's why you want to use a potassium nitrate to help prevent the sensitivity from returning and if you keep using the colgate pro relief this will do it for you other wise one the tubules are no longer occluded then the sensitivity will return.   I actually really liked what she had to say and i will keep it in mind for future knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Post,

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