Tuesday, November 22, 2011

CA at the VA

I would rather be cleaning a patients teeth instead of charting it makes for along day at the Va the best part is that we get to go lunch and the other good part is this is my last day in slc for a whole month horray!!!! and that is great driving down her lately has been nuts crazy driving condition today was so foggy until we hit ogden so the rest of the drive was great. i got to practice the psa and I think I am starting to really get the angle better now katie was nice to show us how today I think I just over think myself so then I mess up the angle but hopefully I can practice this next week at the clinic and pass off me Pe since it is the last day to do it. lets pray i can pass it off and I have a patient that really needs it. I have really noticed how much faster we are getting at the va and wsu its amazing we are getting so good way to go us!!!! happy thanksgiving everyone lets eat turkey:)

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