Thursday, March 8, 2012


I had a new experience I scaled well tried to scale a 10 mm pockets it was of been even deeper but that is as far as my probe was going to go. I tlked to the periodontitis and he was so nice and was telling me the plan and when we should really refer to a periodontitis he say when you have a few pockets that are deeper than a 6. if you only have one or two he said that we can usually maintain them by just seeing a hygienist in a regular practice by any moe than that we should really refer. I seen stomitis on the soft palate from smoking it was nice to see in real life since I have only seen it in a book. I cant believe how hard stain is to get off  it sucked and it was not fun. I also had my patient on nitrous and i think I was breathing it in also I got way sick and had to leave, this is weird cause it happened to me last time I used it on a patient too, plus its hard to work around . well thats my day:)

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